Saturday, July 9, 2011

The 'Dead' Signal!

The 'Dead' Signal!!

It is a beautiful saturday evening with the monsoon clouds hovering above, chilly and polluted air blowing around, and a very happy me, cause its a sunday tomorrow, more importantly no damn work!. I leave my office stationed at crawford market as the preferred landmark to everyone as nobody knows where the hell is Nagdevi Street!!

I leave office with sense of rejoice and freedom towards home, coming towards the main road right below the J.J. Flyover at the patel restaurent junction and theres this beautiful traffic jam...... Simply what a view!!!
Bikers and pedestrians finding nooks and crannies to get pass away, motorists honking towards glory, beautiful swear words falling on your ears!!! Its a delight to watch and listen unless you are not affected!!

The jam is everyday but today is special, today its because of the 'Dead' SIGNAL!!

Confused!!!! A simple imagination will sort your query- just for one day put yourself into the shoes of the traffic signal right below the J.J. Flyover-

and the answer will be that they are no friggin use, why because no one cares the damn about the crappy signals!

If the signals could talk among themselves this is what they woud say, "hey BMC dudes, fetch us some pole dancers-cum- strippers atleast this way someone will look at us!!!!!".....:p

So today the signal has totally given up, the photo uploaded will display the misery of the pole!

So next time you are under the J.J. Flyover please stand in 2 minutes silence for the signal!
May his soul be R.I.P.!!!

This is much for today's experience from my side. "I have bored you alot, i guess??".
Cause I can already predict that the next words from you will be, "abe, jana be kya dimaag ki maa behen ek kar rahela hai be!!!!"....:p

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