Thursday, July 7, 2011

The First Post!!!

wassup blog world people,
This is the first post for me, it is said and done in India that money earned through first day work or for this matter this post should never be spent cause it is beleived that if spent it you would not get any other earning on that day, in short it is called 'Bohni'(Bo-nee) revenue.

Thus pondering on this lines I realised and questioned myself "hey, wait a second!!, who am I?". Reply came, "you are a Chartered Article Trainee, who has immense knowledge regarding th latest trends, economy mover & shakers, and most importantly about Taxation Matters"
"WHAT!!!" "did I say Taxation Matters!!!!" "hell Yeah!!!!!

It means that 31st July 2011 is around the corner, and the individual salaried people are running helter skelter because as usual they've realised that their company has deducted more income tax than what had ought to be.

Don not worry, You're saviour has arrived, "No,No... It's not Sal'Man' Khan....... It's Me!!!!!

Yup, if you want to file your income tax return it is me who you have to contact

Leave me at mail - or feel free to contact without hesitation at this no- 98-cant-give-you,( Sorry mates, got to keep it restricted to mail)

Contact me through mail later through phone.

Wish me all the best !!! cause right now this is all I need to keep this blog running!!!!


Shamoil Plumber,

(P.S.- I am not stressed at all.... guess why?????........ no answer!!!!!

It is a bright Morning and I had a 10 hour sleep)

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